4 Contract Breach for Small Business Risks and How to Fix Them
Entrepreneurs have a lot of things on their minds and the risk of contract breach to their small business is rarely one of them. They want to keep things simple. That’s great. But when it comes to your contracts, simple could mean vulnerable. Business relationships tend to be casual until there’s a problem. Here are […]
Contract Breach vs. Contract Amendments: Learn to Identify Them
Even the best-written contract may need to change, and when it does you have two options: Contract breach, or contract amendments. The difference between them is the difference between your worst nightmare and your best friend. Don’t despair! This is the info you need to decide what to do. What is a Contract Breach? Since […]
Why Every Business Needs a Contract Repository
Leading companies are moving their agreements to a contract repository. These are some of the benefits of having a single place for contracts and why every business should have one. How Does a Contract Repository Work? The most obvious thing a contract repository does is create a single place for all your business contracts, and […]
3 Steps to Implement Contract Approval Workflows For Everyone in Your Business
Just because you run a small business does not make your contract management process any less complex – that’s why you need contract approval workflows that your team can get behind. Find out what happens when you don’t have a workflow. Follow these steps to set one up at your company. Contract Management Involves a […]
How to Build a Contract Process That Increases Efficiency and Prevents Breach
Is your ad hoc contract process putting your business at risk? As the builders of a platform that was made for small business contract management, we have heard firsthand some of the horror stories that stem from a lax contract process: An apparel company had a multi-million-dollar deal go to their competition because no one […]
3 Benefits of a Contract Repository for Your Small Business
It’s been a topsy-turvy time for small businesses, so now more than ever you need a repository to keep your contracts intact. Imagine: You run a small distribution or manufacturing organization. The end of the year is fast approaching and you’re wrapping up your Q4 goals while simultaneously planning your initiatives for the new year. […]
Force Majeure and Your Commercial Lease
If you’re like many business leaders, you don’t think much about your lease. The business needed a place to operate, thrive, and grow, and it did you just fine until… Bam! The coronavirus shut you down. Maybe you’ve been lucky enough to take some or all of your business online. And maybe your teams are […]
November Product Update: Quick Contract Insights
Quick Contract Insights Quickly see information about your contracts directly from your contract list page without having to navigate into each contract record. See real-time information about who signed the contract as well as any metadata elements that are relevant to the contract. It also shows when contract content has been changed throughout the contracting […]
Contract Management Best Practices for Procurement
We’ve all seen the headlines of what happens when procurement goes wrong at a very large company. Stocks dive, trust disappears, and in the worst cases, CEOs are carted away in handcuffs. With procurement contracts worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, the stakes are high and you can’t afford to leave your procurement […]
Your CRM Contract: The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Sign
Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is in many ways the bedrock of your organization’s operations. It should be a single source of truth – not just for your sales and marketing teams but also for customer service, finance, fulfillment, and everyone else! These tools are a long-term, expensive commitment, so you should make sure […]